Our Team:

Our Mentors:

**Elisha Chong** - UX Designer

Grayson Emery - UX Researcher

Sharon Hu - UX Researcher

Hieu Phan - Content Strategist

Anuja Gandhi - Marketing Strategist

Calista Lee - Web Builder


10 weeks (June-September 2022)


Figma, Wix, Canva

Amber Lu - Intuit

Eric Richards - Color Health

Heather Dewis - San Diego Regional EDC

Our Client & Goals

North County LGBTQ Resource Center

North County LGBTQ Resource Center serves, empowers, and advocates for North County’s diverse LGBTQ+ community. Through the vision, dedication, and hard work of their supporters, the North County LGBTQ Resource Center became a reality in November 2011. They aim to support, build, educate, and improve the relationships of the local LGBTQ+ community. Their services include support groups for youth, seniors, military service members, HIV/AIDS testing and prevention, counseling, civil rights advocacy, classes, and workgroups.

Our Goals

  1. Design a more user and mobile-friendly website
  2. Provide resources to help manage social media and promote the annual gala

Deliverable #1: Building a User-Friendly Website

1. The Key Problem

<aside> 💡 How might we enhance the navigation and content in order to increase the understanding and engagement of the resources?


Our Solution

We designed new pages and implemented a new navigation menu to optimize navigation and organization of information. We also designed pages to display brief introductions to the multiple resources offered, as well as cleared up redundant pages and malfunctioning clickables.

2. User Research

In order to understand more clearly where the bigger usability problems lay, we initially conducted a competitive analysis, identifying and categorizing the strengths and weaknesses of the website. Our next step was to create a user survey with questions pertaining to important resources and information that should be displayed on a resource center website. Following up on the user survey feedback, we set up user interviews to gauge the relative ease of use and to pinpoint specific areas that needed revision. The research insights we gained from our interviews helped us create user personas and move on to the next steps in the process of revamping the website.

Website Competitive Analysis

The goal of the competitive analysis was to determine what website features similar resource centers utilized that allowed for ease of use and maximized help to the community they serve. Our competitive analysis includes an analysis of the branding, content, navigation, and functionality of other LGBTQ resource centers. From this analysis, we identified elements of each website that helped us categorize certain elements of the North County LGBTQ Resource Center’s websites as strengths or weaknesses.